Serving at Allensville UMC

Nursery Workers Needed

If you enjoy children and don’t mind taking an hour out of your Sunday morning we would love to have you volunteer in our nursery. Contact Pastor Rod. Times are from approximately 9:45am until the end of the services. We thank you for your support in this effort.

Wilma Gillis


If you are interested in learning more about serving as a Sunday school teacher or assistant, contact Wilma Gillis, Sunday School Superintendent.


Have a love of music?  That’s all you need to join our church choir.  The choir performs the important duty of leading the congregation in song.  Choir practice meets Wednesday nights from 7-8pm.  If you are interested in learning more, contact Urel Gillis, Choir Director.


There are many committees at Allensville UMC and they are often in need of new members.  You can learn more below.

Lay Leadership

According to the Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, the Administrative Council is the group that “shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the church.”

The Administrative Council of Allensville UMC meets several times a year. Please be watching for the date and time in the Upcoming Events section or by checking out our calendar.

To learn more about the Administrative Council you can click on this link or talk to the pastor.

Administrative Council (2024)

Admin. Council Chairperson  Derek Foushee

Admin. Council Vice Chairperson      Lelia Gentry

Cemetery Chairperson        Barry Gentry & Jack Ruth

Secretary               Lelia Gentry

Lay Leader                Gregg Foushee

PPRC Chairperson               Ray Perkins

Church Treasurer   Donald Gentry

Financial Secretary Lelia Gentry

Trustees Chairperson        Donald Gentry

President of UMM   Derek Foushee

PUMP Representatives                

Lay Representative      Cynthia Wilson

President UMW       Patricia Wilson

Church Historian    

Sunday School Superintendent      Wilma Gillis

Asst. Sunday School Superintendent     Linda Branscome

Communications     Joan Davis,  Martin Gentry & Rick Gentry

Nurture & Membership 

Mission & Outreach              Danna Coble

Health/Welfare       Reida McDowell

Worship Chairperson         Urel Gillis

Disaster Coordinator      Lelia Gentry

Members At Large    

Karl Ray Gentry                 Linda Perkins             Shirley Foushee

The “Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development” is also known as the nominating committee or committee on lay leadership.  This committee serves throughout the year to guide the Church Council on matters regarding the leadership of the congregation other than employed staff.  This committee’s work is to discern and empower leaders for the ministries of the church.  These leaders will be representatives of the diverse body of Christ in the faith community.  Some will represent our congregation in the district and conference structures of The United Methodist Church as well.  The committee typically meets once a year in the fall and more often if needed. 

To learn more click on the following link or ask the pastor:

Chairperson:  Dr. Roderic L. Mullen             


The Staff Parish Relation Committee (SPRC) is the administrative unit in a local church where staff and congregational interests come together to focus on the mission of the church.  The committee builds relationships among members of the congregation and staff in an effort to support the mission and goals of the church.  The SPRC serves as the church’s human resources department and is involved in all personnel activities, including hiring and disciplinary actions.  It assesses job performance of the staff and pastor.  It also confers and consults with the district superintendent.  The SPRC members also assume the role of spiritual leaders for both lay and clergy to bring them together as servants of God.  In this role the committee supports candidates for licensed and ordained ministry. 

To learn more click on the following link or ask the pastor:                 

Chairperson: Ray Perkins 

The Trustees of the church have two responsibilities: 

  1. Overseeing (not necessarily doing) maintenance and improvements of our buildings and ground, and
  2. Evaluating any legal agreements or contracts and assessing our exposure to liability, as the legal officers of the church. Skills particularly needed for this team are:
  • planning ahead: forecasting the church’s buildings and grounds needs over time
  • tracking information and projects (through email, meetings, etc.) to monitor progress and follow-through
  • developing teams to work with projects, including non-Trustee church members

To learn more click on the following link or ask the pastor:

Chairperson:  Donald Gentry

The Cemetery Committee oversees the upkeep of the church cemetery and administers the cemetery policy of the church.

Chairpersons:  Barry Gentry & Jack Ruth


The Parsonage Committee is a sub-committee of the Board of Trustees. The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church states that it is the responsibility of each local church to provide adequate housing for the pastor(s). The Parsonage Committee is responsible for upkeep and routine maintenance of the parsonage and functions according to the parsonage guidelines of the NC Conference. The NC Conference provides guidelines for the proper furnishing of the parsonage and for the purchase or building of a new parsonage. The committee meets once each year for a complete attic-to-basement review of the parsonage, which usually occurs in the fall before the annual Charge Conference meeting of both congregations. Each year, goals should be set in order to properly maintain the inside, outside, and grounds of the parsonage. Meetings are held throughout the year in order to fulfill the stated yearly goals.  The Chair of the Parsonage Committee calls meetings as needed.

Chairperson:  Lelia Gentry

The Finance Committee processes all money coming into the church, including activities such as fund raising and mission trips, and ensures that all outgoing money is monitored for accuracy and in the best interest of the church.  The Committee, along with the Pastor, prepare budgets and make spending recommendations to the Church Council.  The Committee is also responsible for preparing annual giving statements for members and friends. 

To learn more click on the following link or ask the pastor:

Chairperson: Cynthia Wilson


Is connecting with God through worship especially important to you?   The Worship Committee helps develop the Sunday service and other special worship services.  Its work is vital to the church. 

Chairperson:  Urel Gillis